It’s not just about chronic pain. It’s about the patterns that got you here and what it means to change those patterns.
At Transformational Pain Coaching Group, we meet you where you are. We create a safe space. We listen to your history with empathy and help you make connections between your life and your pain. Then we empower you to unlearn those patterns for greater wellness.
Be heard and validated when you share your pain story and challenges. You’ll get an empathetic ear with solutions to help you reduce pain levels.
Engage in Pain Reprocessing Therapy to disrupt the fear/pain cycle. Learn how to retrain your brain so that bodily safety and wellness is restored.
Be cheered on with kind guidance and personal support. Geared toward your goals, you’ll be equipped with a road map that leads to greater ease and joy.
When we disrupt patterns like people pleasing and strengthen our boundaries, we gain a new energy that drives us to conquer our chronic pain. We find greater self compassion and learn new healthy habits that rewire our neural pathways toward healing.
The health anxiety that goes along with chronic pain can often keep us in a fear/pain cycle that perpetuates symptoms. You’ll learn techniques to help you take control over your fear and reduce anxiety when pain arises. And these are techniques you’ll be able to use anytime you want to reduce and even stop the pain.
Are you unsure whether your pain can be helped by using the mind-body approach? Do you have a hard time believing these tools can stop pain that you may have had for years? TMS can cause any number of symptoms, including but not limited to:
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Knee Pain
Vision Changes
Repetitive Stress Injury
Nerve Pain
Burning and Tingling Skin
Frozen Shoulder
Burning Mouth
Anxiety/Panic Attacks
Unexplained Weight Loss
Muscle Wasting
Internal Vibrations
Mysterious Sensations
One hint that it may be TMS is that you have more than one of these symptoms. It’s not uncommon to have upwards of five or more at the same time.
If you have a diagnosed condition, these tools can serve as a helpful companion in lowering pain levels and taking control over aspects such as trauma and stress that may exacerbate existing symptoms. Consider mind-body tools to manage your condition.
Certain personality traits and ways of coping may lead to chronic pain. If you’re skeptical that TMS applies to you, ask yourself if these questions resonate:
There are many ways to begin healing chronic pain using a mind-body approach to overcome neuroplastic pain, aka TMS (tension myositis syndrome). It can seem overwhelming at first and the idea of starting can feel scary. But that first step is always easier when there’s someone there to guide you along the path.
Reach out to book your 15 minute consultation and begin to feel hopeful about your health.
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